<% caminhobd = "e:\domains\t\tecnitectos.com\user\private\basededados.mdb" pag = Request.QueryString("p") cat = Request.QueryString("c") scat = Request.QueryString("sc") pt = Request.QueryString("pt") search = Request.QueryString("search") If pag = "" Then pag = "1" End If %>
  <% If cat <> "" Then %> <% ElseIf scat <> "" Then %> <% ElseIf search <> "" Then %> <% Else %> <% sSql = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_pag WHERE pag_id = " & pag & ";" Set rstSimple = cnnSimple.Execute(sSql) If pt = "10" OR pt = "11" Then titulo = rstSimple("pag_nome").Value var_scat = rstSimple("pag_scat").Value Else titulo = rstSimple("pag_txt_top").Value End If duracao = rstSimple("pag_duracao").Value preco = rstSimple("pag_preco").Value %> <% If pag <> "1" AND Request.Querystring("ac") <> "ver" Then %> <% End If %> <% If titulo <> "" Then %> <% If titulo <> " " Then %> <% If pt="10" Then %> <% If var_scat = 0 Then sSql2 = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_pag,Tbl_cat WHERE pag_id = " & pag & " AND pag_cat=cat_id;" Else sSql2 = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_pag,Tbl_cat,Tbl_scat WHERE pag_id = " & pag & " AND pag_scat=scat_id AND scat_cat=cat_id;" End if Set rstSimple2 = cnnSimple.Execute(sSql2) vcat = rstSimple2("cat_nome").Value If var_scat <> 0 Then vscat = rstSimple2("scat_tit").Value vscat_id = rstSimple2("scat_id").Value vcat_id = rstSimple2("scat_cat").Value ELse vcat_id = rstSimple2("pag_cat").Value ENd If %> Home   »   <%= vcat %>   »   <%= vscat %>   »   <% rstSimple2.Close %> <% End If %>
<%= titulo %>
<% If pt="10" Then %> <%= rstSimple("pag_txt_top").Value %> <% End If %> <% End If End If %> <% 'If pag <> "" Then sSql = "SELECT * FROM Tbl_linha WHERE linha_ok = True AND " If cat <> "" Then sSql = sSql & "linha_cat = " & cat & " AND linha_scat = 0 AND linha_pag = 0" ElseIf scat <> "" Then sSql = sSql & "linha_scat = " & scat & " AND linha_pag = 0" Else sSql = sSql & "linha_pag = " & pag End If If bottom = True Then sSql = sSql & " AND linha_bottom = TRUE" Else sSql = sSql & " AND linha_bottom = FALSE" End If sSql = sSql & " ORDER BY linha_ordem,linha_id ASC;" 'Response.Write sSql Set rstSimple = cnnSimple.Execute(sSql) %> <% Do While NOT rstSimple.EOF 'reiniciar variáveis vtxt = "0" vtit = "0" valortit = "0" vimg1 = "0" ialorimg1 = "0" vimg2 = "0" valorimg2 = "0" vimg = "0" texto = "" textoHTM = "" texto = rstSimple("linha_txt").Value If rstSimple("linha_txt").Value <> "" Then vtxt = "1" End If If rstSimple("linha_txt").Value = " " Then vtxt = "0" End If 'Response.Write("
Valor do VTXT: " & vtxt) If rstSimple("linha_tit").Value <> "" Then vtit = "1" End If If rstSimple("linha_tit").Value = " " Then vtit = "0" End If valortit = rstSimple("linha_tit").Value 'Response.Write("
Valor do VTIT: " & vtit) If rstSimple("linha_img1").Value <> "" Then vimg1 = "1" End if If rstSimple("linha_img1").Value = " " Then vimg1 = "0" End if valorimg1 = rstSimple("linha_img1").Value 'Response.Write("
Valor do VIMG1: " & vimg1) If rstSimple("linha_img2").Value <> "" Then vimg2 = "1" End If If rstSimple("linha_img2").Value = " " Then vimg2 = "0" End If valorimg2 = rstSimple("linha_img2").Value 'Response.Write("
Valor do VIMG2: " & vimg2) If vimg1 = "1" AND vimg2 = "1" Then vimg = "1" Else vimg = "0" ENd If 'Response.Write("
Valor do VIMG: " & vimg & "

") %> <% If rstSimple("linha_flash").Value = False Then%>
<% If vimg1 = "1" Then %> <% End If %> <% If vimg2 = "1" Then %> align="right" <% End If %> src="upload/<%= valorimg2 %>" alt="" border="0"><% End If %> <% If vtit = "1" Then %><%= valortit %>
<% End If %>
<% If vtxt = "1" Then %> <% If texto <> "" Then 'Response.Write("
") for i = 1 to len(texto) if mid(texto,i,1) = chr(13) then textoHTM = textoHTM + "
" else textoHTM = textoHTM + mid(texto,i,1) end if next End If %> <% If rstSimple("linha_html").Value = False Then Response.Write textoHTM Else Response.Write texto End If %>
<% End If %>
<% Else %> <%= texto %> <% ENd If %> <% rstSimple.Movenext Loop rstSimple.Close 'End If %> <% If pt = "10" Then 'cursos%>
<% If duracao <> "" Then If duracao <> " " Then %> <% End If End If%> <% If preco <> "" Then If preco <> " " Then %> <% End If End If%>
<% If duracao <> "" Then If duracao <> " " Then %> Duração: <%= duracao %> <% End If End If %> <% If preco <> "" Then If preco <> " " Then %> Preço: <%= preco %> <% End If End If %>
<% End if %> <% If pag = "1" Then %> <% ElseIf pag = 4 Then %>
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<% pac = Request.QueryString("ac") %> <%If pac = "ok" Then%> <%ElseIf pac = "ko" Then%> <%End If%> <% End If %> <% End If %>